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Team Inspiriko - August 2022

7 Ways to Reduce Fatigue Due to Perimenopause

We live in a hectic world today, juggling dozens of different things at the same time: being a good friend, earning a living, and taking care of your home all the while staying sane and healthy. It’s not surprising, then, that your energy levels remain low even when you’ve just woken up from a great night’s sleep.

And all of this can be even worse during perimenopause. About 85% of women in perimenopause report feeling exhausted (1), even if they sleep properly. During perimenopause, your hormones start to dwindle and bring about unwanted signs and symptoms, like insomnia, night sweats, and anxiety… all of which result in crushing fatigue.

But it is not all doom and gloom.

To help with fatigue during this inevitable period in your life, we bring you 7 ways to reduce fatigue due to perimenopause.

 No more yawning during the day!

7 Ways to Fight Fatigue During Perimenopause

Perimenopause is a completely natural part of a woman’s life, but it doesn’t mean you should just endure it and get used to the symptoms.

Perimenopause fatigue occurs mostly due to changes in your estrogen and progesterone levels. During perimenopause, these female hormones can interact with other hormones associated with energy levels produced in your adrenal and thyroid glands (2). The result? Instability and crushing fatigue.

Plus, it’s common for women during perimenopause to have problems sleeping. This insomnia, combined with hormonal imbalance, can certainly cause utter exhaustion during the day. The good news is these problems are usually temporary. The bad news is that this “temporary” can be 8 to 10 years!

So, if you don’t want to spend years of your life feeling incredibly tired, you should try out these 7 ways to fight fatigue during perimenopause.

Exercise Regularly

If you are experiencing perimenopause fatigue, getting out of bed and exercising is probably the last thing that crosses your mind. But doing exercise, even going for a simple walk, will help raise your energy levels and get better sleep at night (3). Moreover, exercising increases feel-good endorphins and helps you regulate your circadian rhythm (which deeply impacts the way you rest).

Don’t worry, you don’t have to do body-drenching workouts to experience these benefits. Easier activities, like yoga, tai chi, or going for a 45-minute walk every day can also be helpful when dealing with perimenopausal fatigue.

Sleep Better

Night sweats, insomnia, anxiety, and many other perimenopause symptoms can affect the way you sleep and prevent you from getting the rest you need to function properly the next day. Here are some things you can do to set you up for success every night and improve the quality of your sleep:

- Make sure you’re cool and comfortable, especially if you suffer from night sweats and hot flashes. Use a lightweight blanket, turn on your fan or air conditioner and keep a bottle of cool water next to your bed (so you don’t have to stand up in the middle of the night to look for it).

- Increase your Magnesium intake. Did you know that certain minerals, like magnesium, can help you attain better sleep? By stimulating your parasympathetic system, it can help you relax and unwind when going to bed (4) and it helps in the production of melatonin (the hormone that makes you sleepy). In case you’re having problems getting enough magnesium from your diet, a good supplement might be in order. Made of 2 sources of magnesium and containing vitamin D3, B6 and folic acid, the award-winning Smarter Magnesium supplement is an amazing choice.

- Adopt a bed time routine. Meditating, reading a book, journaling or taking a warm bath are excellent ideas to make sure your mind and body are trained to understand it is time for bed and to completely unwind.

- Use black out curtains to stimulate the production of melatonin (the hormone that induces sleep).

- Make sure you eat long before going to bed, so digestive discomforts don’t keep you up at night.

- If you’d like to get those necessary ZZZs, then using a natural sleep aid like Cosmic Calm can help you achieve your goal. This supplement will soothe your body and mind using natural ingredients.

Have Day Time Naps

Nap time can give you back the energy you need during perimenopause. If you’re having problems sleeping at night, then a quick snooze after lunch is a great idea to wake up restored. After this nap, you will probably have an improved mood, increased alertness, and a better performance overall during the rest of the day. Just make sure you keep the naps under 30 minutes to avoid grogginess (5). 

Stay Hydrated

Believe it or not, being dehydrated can also have an impact on your energy levels. When you’re dehydrated, your body redirects blood to your muscles and vital organs, causing light-headedness and fatigue, among other symptoms (6). So make sure you stay well hydrated at all times! The best way to stay hydrated is to drink water and eat more fruits and vegetables that are 80% water, like blueberries and oranges. 

Reduce Stress

Stress can be harmful to your health in every aspect, so decreasing your stress levels will bring about positive changes to your lifestyle, particularly to your energy levels. Prolonged exposure to stress could lead to low cortisol levels, which could cause low energy levels, depression among other symptoms.

Depending on your stress levels, speaking to your doctor might be necessary, but in the meantime, there are certain things you can do to reduce your stress levels:

- Start meditating and/or doing yoga;
- Prioritize time to do things you love and enjoy;
- Get active! Any form of physical exercise will increase your endorphins and reduce stress.

Eat Lean Protein

If you decide to follow the Mediterranean diet, keep in mind that around ¼ of your plate should consist of proteins. White meat like chicken and turkey will provide you with the lean protein you need to stay healthy and develop muscle tissue.

Fish like salmon and tuna will also provide you with Omega-3 oils, essential to protect your heart during menopause, along with protein. You can also increase your consumption of healthy proteins by eating lentils, chickpeas and other beans at least once a day.

Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

We are what we eat, so the nutrients you consume also have an impact on your energy levels. The common Western diet is full of processed foods and sugar that can cause blood sugar spikes and make it difficult to sleep due to digestive discomfort.

So, it’s imperative to modify the way you eat. But instead of following strict, restrictive programs, that has a low rate of success, you should transform the way you eat. For instance, the Mediterranean diet is an amazing choice for perimenopausal women, as it promotes heart health, protects your bones, and supports your blood sugar levels. Say goodbye to fatigue due to sugar spikes!

And you can complement the Mediterranean diet with the Super Green Energy supplement. It combines 17 superfoods and is naturally high in all B Vitamins, Vitamin C and Iodine, along with plant phytonutrients and antioxidants.

Avoid Caffeine & Sugary Food

If you feel you can’t get through the day without your cup of coffee, think again. An excess of caffeine can bring about insomnia and even more fatigue. Similarly, when we’re tired we tend to grab something sugary to revitalize ourselves. But, instead of bringing about more energy, this can cause a sugar spike that quickly crashes and makes you feel even more tired than before (7).

If you wish to keep your blood sugar levels stable (and boost your energy levels as a result), you should replace sugary foods for whole grains, delicious fruits, and healthy fat (like avocado).

Final Takeaway

Midlife and perimenopause do not need to have you dragging anymore. Optimizing your sleep, reducing stress, exercising and improving your diet are some of the measures you can take to recover your vim and vigor, in spite of hormonal imbalances and insomnia that are characteristic of perimenopause. With all of these strategies, combined with the power of natural supplements, you’ll soon feel better and full of energy! 


Learn where you are in your menopause / perimenopause journey with the help of a personalised report.



1. Chiu, H.-H., Tsao, L.-I., Liu, C.-Y., Lu, Y.-Y., Shih, W.-M., & Wang, P.-H. (2021). The Perimenopausal Fatigue Self-Management Scale Is Suitable for Evaluating Perimenopausal Taiwanese Women’s Vulnerability to Fatigue Syndrome. Healthcare, 9(3), 336.
2. Chiu, H.-H., Tsao, L.-I., Liu, C.-Y., Lu, Y.-Y., Shih, W.-M., & Wang, P.-H. (2021). The Perimenopausal Fatigue Self-Management Scale Is Suitable for Evaluating Perimenopausal Taiwanese Women’s Vulnerability to Fatigue Syndrome. Healthcare, 9(3), 336.
3. Dolezal, B. A., Neufeld, E. V., Boland, D. M., Martin, J. L., & Cooper, C. B. (2017). Interrelationship between Sleep and Exercise: A Systematic Review. Advances in Preventive Medicine, 2017, 1–14.
4. Wienecke, E., & Nolden, C. (2016). Langzeit-HRV-Analyse zeigt Stressreduktion durch Magnesiumzufuhr. MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin, 158(S6), 12–16.
5. Is your daily nap doing more harm than good? - Harvard Health. (n.d.). Harvard Health.,trouble%20falling%20asleep%20that%20evening.
6. Fight fatigue with fluids - Harvard Health. (2013). Harvard Health.
7. Tiredness and Diabetes. (2017).